Jumat, 28 September 2012

Therapeutic Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil – A Testimony

Picture taken from here

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) which is rich in medium chair fatty acids is known to inactive a number of pathogenic organisms. Its antibacterial, antiviral and antiprotozoal, activities are well documented. Dr. DS Rawat, a retired ICAR scientist (45 Garh Vihar, P.O. IIP. Mohkampur, Dehradun-248005) has been treating his wife for Alzheimer’s disease with virgin coconut oil supplied by CPCRI for the last 8 months. She has been having 1 table spoon of VCO orally twice a day (VCO by fermentation technique and hot process, alternally).
DR. Rawat writes, his wife has shown remarkable improvement on taking VCO for the treatment of her Alzheimer’s disease durign the last eight months. A slight gain in body weigth could be noticed, her posture improved and her skin has regained its old glow. She is better composed, calmer and responding to what is being told to her. Her fast losing vocabulary has reversed, she sometimes speaks words that she had forgotten for months. She repsonds when called by name and recognizes family members and relatives but cannot call them by name. Her sleep pattern has also improved, though not regular yet. Her digestion has become satisfatory.
Dr. Rawat is happy that VCO has helped his wife very much. He regrets that he could have come across the case study by Dr. Mary Newport few years earlier when his wife was in the first stage of Alzheimer’s disease. Nevertheless, he is happy that he could get good results from VCO and has requested the Institute to supply him more quantity of VCO. The experience of Dr. Rawat stand testimony to the therapeutic benefits of VCO. (CPCRI News).
Source: Cocommunity, Vol.XLII No.2, 1 February 2012

Kamis, 27 September 2012


photos taken from here
Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO), an ordinary product with extraordinary capabilities. VCO is rich in saturated fats and more easily digested than fats found in other oil. It has Lauric acid that has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, and is the most important essential fatty acid for building and maintaining the body’s immune system. VCO is also known to help increase the body’s metabolism, and is quick source of energy.
Imagine if these benefits can be found in the multivitamins that we drink every day?
Enersel Forte is the first and only  multivitamins with VCO that enhances the body’s immune system by giving it antibacterial and antiviral properties through the release of lauric acid. The human body converts lauric acid into monolaurin which helps in dealing with harmful viruses and bacteria.
Enersel Forte is SEL-J Pharmaceuticals Corporation’s multivitamins for children and young adults with a unique formulation of Vitamins A, B, C, D and E and minerals Niacinamide and Zinc. It also contains Chlorella Growth Factor responsible for height development among children, and the elements Taurin and Lysine.
With Enersel Forte, the New, revolutionary Formula for Giftedness, children and adults can excel in sports, academic, arts and music, and other fields.
“Since we started covering pediatricians, general practitioners and family med doctors, Enersel Forte is being prescribed. Coupled with free clinics and a sensible school program, it is also recognized and bought by parents of children aged 6 months to 12 years old,” SEL-J Pharma Chief Executive Officer Jay Lacnit says.
When SEL-J launched Enersel Forte, the company also held a medical mission for children in Laguna, where free medicines and vitamins were given after consultation with physicians. (http://www.malaya.com.ph)
Source: Cocommunity, Vol.XLI No.6, June 2011

Selasa, 25 September 2012

Organic Certification For The VCO In Indonesia, Is It Possible?

Although almost all the coconut plantations in Indonesia were never fertilized with chemical fertilizers, but it is difficult to obtain organic certification, why? This is because the location of coconut plantation is generally adjacent to agricultural land use chemical fertilizers and various pesticides that coconut plantation will be exposed to its influence.Location of coconut plantation is quite far from agriculture is likely to be found outside the island of Java, while Java is almost non-existent.

Organic certification that requires for certifying of plantation as raw material sourse and its production processes VCO aspect, will generally be constrained to issue plantation as be described above. Of course this will be very difficult for VCO producers in Indonesia especially in Java who have buyers who require organic certification as above.

Raw Material Is The Key Factor in VCO Production

Although various methods or processes have been developed by different parties, but the quality of raw material  (coconut fruit)  is a key factor to obtain a quality VCO. It means that the ability to select materials that will make the quality of the resulting VCO will be stable. Old coconut fruit with certain varieties and where the growth will mainly determine the levels of lauric acid content.

The reliable VCO manufacturer certainly has a strong sense to make the selection of raw materials. Some cases show that to obtain a quality VCO is not easy especially for a large quantity. This is because of the availability of raw materials, production processes and markets as the main variable of this business. Some VCO manufacturers capable of producing quality VCO marked especially by the delicious smell like fresh coconut and high lauric acid content, but the quantity is not much that if there is a large quantity order will be trouble.

VCO Is An Exclusive Product

picture taken from here
Although it has been known for a long time and proved to have many benefits and advantages, still VCO is an exclusive product.  This indicated that the industry community has not been widely used VCO as a raw material. This happens because most of the industry is oriented towards the middle, as the majority of the population who have the purchasing power of a product. When using the VCO as raw material, the quality of their products will increase but the consequence will also increase the price of the product prices.

If the public awareness of the importance of a quality product increase then automatically VCO-based products will be preferred. The good quality VCO  as raw material as well as being one of the determinants of product quality.